Selasa, 31 Mei 2011


Berbagai proses jatuh cinta

Banyak cinta yang datang tidak terduga. Nah ini menunjukkan kalau cinta itu datangnya tak kenal waktu dan tempat. Setiap orang memiliki kenangan dan tempat tertentu saat jatuh cinta. Perbadaan ini lah yg menyebabkan proses jatuh cinta orang berbeda. Namun demikian, banyak yang memiliki kesamaan. Nih kalau menurut sya yang sering sekali kita jumpai :
Proses ini proses yang paling bnayk dialami, sasaran dari pandangan ini umumnya wajah. Dari pandangan inilah muncul rasa cinta yang tertanam dalam hati. Semula tidak disadari betul bahwa itu cinta. Lambat laun dapat dimengerti bahwa ada ketertarikan pada seseorang. Dari ketertarikan ini akhirnya mencari informasi tentang si dia sebagai pendekatan.

Ada istilah tak kenal maka tak sayang dan tak syang maka tak cinta. Banyak yang jatuh cinta berawal dari persahabatan. Proses jatuh cinta model ini jelas bukan dari pandangan mata melainkan dari proses pengenalan kepribadian. Bisa jadi sia dia biasa-biasa saja, namun setelah lama berteman, ada kepribadian atau tingkah laku si dia yang berkenan di hati. Banyak pula yang mengalami proses seperti itu

    C. prestasi
ini tergolong langka karena mereka yang berprestasi biasanya sedikit dibandingkan peserta atau murid yang lainnya. Yang berprestasi biasanya (terkesan) cantik atau tampan dengan sendrinya berwibawa. Tak heran, laki-laki atau wanita yang berprestasi biasanya menjadi incaran. Apalagi jika dikaitkan dengan kebangaan individu, memiliki pasangan yang berprestasi adalah kebanggaan tersendiri.

Proses ini umumnya dialami oleh mereka ynag tidak pandai bergaul atau kurang bisa berinteraksi dengan lawan jenis. Ada juga yang kerena dominannya orang tua dalam memilih jodoh untuk anaknya. Pihak ketiga yang dimaksud selain orang tua adalah saudara atau teman dekat. Dia mau saja mencintai dia karena didorong oleh usia atau keseganan pada ornag tua. Proses cintanya tentu saja tidak murni dari diri sendri, namun lebih baik dari pada terlalu lama menyendiri.

Media yang dimaksud adalah surat atau komputer (chatting). Bnayak yang bermula dari korespondensi secara intensif. Kemudian jumpa didarat dan akhirnya sepakat untuk saling mencintai hingga ke jenjang pernikahan. Era modern ini proses cinta melalui internet yaitu lewat chating sudah hal biasa. Prosesnya hampir mirip dengan surat menyurat, bedanya chating menggunakan komputer (internet). Dari kegiatan inilah akhirnya membuah simpati kedua belah pihak untuk saling mencintai.

Proses cinta macam ini dialami oleh para aktivis islam militan. Masalah kecantikan fisik biasanya tidak menjadi ukuran. Namun kesamaan persepsi dalam perjuangan itulah yang melandasi cinta mereka. Medan perjuangan cukup berat, akan lebih ringan jika dilakukan berdua dalam kerangka rumah tangga.

    g. karena faktor tak terduga
Awalnya siA tidak memiliki hubungan dalam arti cinta walawpun sudah lama berkawan dengan seorang wanita sebut daj siB. Namun ada kejadian tragis yang mendorong dia harus mencintainya, umpamanya ada kasus tabrakan. SiB tertabrak, pas didepan siA. Dengan refleks si A menolong dia dan membawanya kerumah sakit serta menengoknya denga setia, akhirnya muncul rasa ingin memiliki (jatuh cinta). Ada juga yang karena pergaulan kelewat batas akhirnya terjerumus pada perzinahan padahal sebelumnya tidak ada proses jatuh cinta. Karena si wanita hamil, maka si laki-laki menikahinya.

Dari 7 bacaan diatas ada sebagian yg saya ambil dri kisah pribadi saya,kakak saya dn teman-teman saya.heeee


Here are 3 kinds of conditional sentence :
True in the Present / Future Time
Untrue in the Present / Future Time
Untrue in the Past Time

1. True in The Present / Future Time
If Simple Present, will-Future
Example: If I find her address, I will send her an invitation .
The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.

I will send her an invitation if I find her address .
The function is to show / explain plan, advice, and possibility / probability

If you don't have breakfast, you will be hungry.

If the magazine is on my table, you can take it.

If you come early you will not get punish from our headmaster.
Conditional Sentences Type I refer to the future. An action in the future will only happen if a certain condition is fulfilled by that time. We don't know for sure whether the condition actually will be fulfilled or not, but the conditions seems rather realistic – so we think it is likely to happen.

If I find her address, I'll send her an invitation.
I want to send an invitation to a friend. I just have to find her address. I am quite sure, however, that I will find it.

If John has the money, he will buy a Ferrari.

2. Untrue in the Present / Future Time
If Simple Past, main clause with Conditional I (= would Infinitive)

If I found her address, I would send her an invitation .
The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.
In IF Clauses Type II, we usually use ‚were‘ – even if the pronoun is I , he , she or it –.

If I were you, I would not do this .
The function of conditional sentence type two is to explain our imagination.

If the price of gasoline were only Rp. 1000 I would be very happy.

What would you do if you found $100.00 on the street.

If I had a lot of money, I wouldn't stay here.
Conditional Sentences Type II refer to situations in the present. An action could happen if the present situation were different. I don't really expect the situation to change, however. I just imagine „what would happen if …“
I would like to send an invitation to a friend. I have looked everywhere for her address, but I cannot find it. So now I think it is rather unlikely that I will eventually find her address.

If John had the money, he would buy a Ferrari .
I know John very well and I know that he doesn't have much money, but he loves Ferraris. He would like to own a Ferrari (in his dreams). But I think it is very unlikely that he will have the money to buy one in the near future.

3. Untrue In the Past Time
if Past Perfect, main clause with Conditional II

If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation .
The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.

I would have sent her an invitation if I had found her address .
Conditional Sentences Type III refer to situations in the past. An action could have happened in the past if a certain condition had been fulfilled. Things were different then, however. We just imagine, what would have happened if the situation had been fulfilled.

If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation .
Sometime in the past, I wanted to send an invitation to a friend. I didn't find her address, however. So in the end I didn't send her an invitation.

If John had had the money, he would have bought a Ferrari .
I knew John very well and I know that he never had much money, but he loved Ferraris. He would have loved to own a Ferrari, but he never had the money to buy one.

PASSIVE VOICE dalam artikel

Reflections on Mother's Day

Since my daughter was born a little over 2 years ago, Mother’s Day has been a very special day for me. After all, I had carried her for 9 months and spent countless sleepless nights taking care of her to earn the title “Mother”.

But this year I really started thinking about my mom. This Mother’s Day I feel a completely new level of gratitude and respect for my Mom. I have gained a much better understanding of what she went through and how much she scarified to raise me.

Let’s take a little closer look at what “Mom” did and does for you.

Remember those first few months of pregnancy with the excitement, anxiousness and – who could forget it- the morning sickness? Your Mom went through all of that as well, and she did it without being able to access every conceivable piece of information about pregnancy online and without all the early tests we have now to ensure us that everything is fine with our baby.

Mom also shared the kicks to the bladder and the backaches that come later in pregnancy. And don’t forget about labor. Well, who could forget labor? Mom’s been there, done that as well. And she probably did it with a lot less medicinal help than we did!

Then the real joy of motherhood begins - no sleep for months, midnight feedings and endless diaper changes. Could you imagine surviving without disposable diapers? I couldn’t, but somehow my Mom managed to wash millions of dirty cloth diapers while taking care of me.

I am sure she also got the same words of advice from everyone around her about how to properly care for the little infant and worried about all the possible germs the baby could be exposed to with everyone wanting to hold her.

Just like you, Mom eventually made it through your infancy and met the toddler version of you. When I recently complained about my daughter’s “terrible two’s” to my Mom, she just laughed and told me it was payback for all my tantrums when I was my daughter’s age.
Did she worry as much as I did about picking the right time to wean her off the bottle, the pacifier, to get her potty trained? Did she go through all the heartbreak and crying, and - as far as potty training goes - the mess that comes with it? I am sure she did. And like any good mother, we both supported the first attempts at independence. So what if my daughter decides to wear rain boots with her summer dress? I feel sure there is a picture of me somewhere in a very similar outfit.

So you and your Mom finally make it past the terrible twos. By now, if not earlier, you are probably torn between kids and career. If your Mom is anything like mine, the same problem will be ran to her.. Should you stay home and be there for the kids 24/7, or should you continue to work to be able to afford the kind of things you want to be able to give your kids?
At this stage Moms also spend a lot of time getting their kids ready for school. All along you have probably been reading to your child, teaching her numbers and colors, just like your own mother did.

Your kids may or may not be in school yet, but even if they aren’t, I am sure you can relate to making sure your child gets to school on time every morning, helping with homework and various school projects and attending school functions. Your Mom was probably there with you every step of the way too. Your joys and pains has been shared by her. She comforted you when the other kids made fun of you, just like you will with your kids.

I feel sure you have many more special memories about your Mom that you haven’t thought about in years. Why don’t you pick up the phone and call her? Spend some time with her. If you take the time and make the effort, you will find a great friend in your mother if you are not already at that point in your relationship. Take her on a “girls-day-out”. Go shopping, have lunch and get some pedicures together. Just enjoy her company and don’t forget to thank her for all she has done for you. After all, you wouldn’t be the great woman you are today without her.

They say there is a great woman behind every successful man, but there is also a wonderful mother behind every great woman.

Senin, 30 Mei 2011


In this section, We are going to see How the conversion of Direct to Indirect Speech and Indirect to Direct Speech is done?
We may report the words of a speaker in two ways.
1. Direct Speech
We may quote the actual words of the speaker. This method is called Direct Speech.
2. Indirect Speech
We may report what he said without quoting his exact words. This method is called Indirect Speech or Reported Speech.


• Direct: Clinton said, “I am very busy now.”
• Indirect: Clinton said that he was very busy then.

• Direct : He said, “ my mother is writing letter.”
• Indirect: He said that his mother was writing letter.

How to change Direct to Indirect Speech?

It will be noticed that in Direct Speech, we use inverted commas to mark off the exact words of the speaker.In Indirect Speech we do not use the inverted commas.

It will be further noticed that in changing the above Direct Speech into Indirect speech, certain changes have been made.

i. We have used the conjunction ‘that’ before the Indirect Statement.

ii. The pronoun “I” is changed to “HE”. (The Pronoun is changed in Person)

iii. The verb “am” is changed to “was”.

iv. The adverb “now” is changed to “then”.

Rules for changing Direct into Indirect Speech:

A. When the reporting or principal verb is in the Past Tense, all the Present Tenses in the Direct Speech are changed into Past Tense.

a. A simple present tense becomes simple past tense.
• Direct : He said, “I am unwell.”
• Indirect: He said that he was unwell.

b. A present continuous tense becomes a past continuous.
• Direct : He said, “ my mother is writing letter.”
• Indirect: He said that his mother was writing letter.

c. A present perfect becomes a past perfect:Are you clear about the conversion of Direct to Indirect Speech?
• Direct: He said, “I have passed the examination.”
• Indirect: he said that he had passed the examination.

d. As a rule the simple past tense in the Direct Speech becomes the past perfect tense in Indirect Speech.Example:
• Direct: He said, “His horse died in the night.”
• Indirect: he said that his horse had died in the night.

The shall of the future is changed into should.
The will of the future is changed into would.
The can and may of the future are changed into could and might respectively.

Are you clear about the conversion of Direct to Indirect Speech?

example from me :
  • Mother said : “ wash your face! “
  • Mother told me to wash my face
  • He said : “ go away! “
  • He told us to go away
Present prefect = past prefect
  • he told me : ”I have boughta book “
  • he told me that he had bought a book

must = had to
  • soujah told me : “ you must stay here until 10.00 “
  • soujah told me that I had to stay there until 10.00

must = would have to
  • zakky told me : “ you must come again tommorrow “
  • zakky told me that I would have to come again the following day

Mustn't = mustn't / wasn't to
  • he told me : “ you musn't drive a car without a licence “
  • he told me that I musnt't drive a car without alicence

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011


Ada gula ada semut. Ada cinta maka manusia ada. Cinta itu manis bagai gula. Karena cinta dunia begitu indah. Hujan dengan dinginnya. Matahari dengan panasnya akan menjadi sahabat atas nama CINTA. Dalam lautan ada luas nya samudra menjadi tak berarti karena cinta. Karenacinta juga manusia mampu membuat karya s[ektakuler yang dikenang sepanjang masa. Cinta membuat semuanya menjadi mungkin. Itulah CINTA yang menjadi rebutan manusia sepanjang masa.
Cinta merubah pribadi sesorang dalam sekejap mata. Cinta membuat muka masam menjadi berseri, kantong tipis menjadi serasa tebal, dan penakut menjadi pemberani. Cinta yang menyebabkan seseorang tak merasa sakit, derita menjadi jalan keluar bahkan yang membuat seseorang menjadi kuat ditengah himpitan hidup yang mendera. Itulah CINTA ibarat bensin yang mampu menggerakkan mesin. Ibarat angin yang mampu bergerak super elastis. Ibarat matahari yang mampu menerangi semesta. CINTA adalah nafas kehidupan.
Tapi karena cinta, manusia merintih dan menangisi hidup sepanjang masa. Atas nama cinta seseorang tega mengakhiri hidup secara tragis, terlentang di rel kereta api, meminum racun dan menjerat lehernya sendiri. Atas nama cinta seseorang tega membunuh sesama dan memicu kerusuhan yang bisa berakibat sangat fatal. Itulah CINTA yang menjadi kambing hitam.
Tapi tidak sembarang manusia bisa memiliki cinta. Hanya manusia yang mempunyai akal sehat. Yang dapat merasakan cinta. Ialah pasti mana ada kan orang gila mempunyai cinta. Hiiiiii sereemmm kan ???? heee

Hidup tanpa cinta akan sia-sia, tanpa cinta berarti kematian dan kematian tanpa cinta adalah kerugian besar. Cinta tak mengenal cepat atau lambat, tak mengenal jauh atau dekat, cinta membuat gunung selembut salju dan membuat jantung berdetaka seakan-akan lebih cepat.

Pernah membaca karya khalil gibran, dia bilang begini “ CINTA adalah keindahan sejati yang terletak pada keserasian spiritual. CINTA adalah satu-satunya kebebasan di dunia ini karena ia begitu tinggi mengangkat jiwa, dimana hukum-hukum kemanusiaan dan kenyataan alam tidak mampu menemukan jejaknya.”
(kalau engggak salah dia bilang seprti itu, heehee sedikit lupa, tapi inget juga, karena maknanya dalem banget)
kalau yang ini menurut saya pribadi “Cinta itu menerima bukan memberi (ehh kebalik cinta itu memeberi bukan menerima). Cinta jauh dari saling memaksakan kehendak. Cinta tidak menuntut tapi menegaskan dan menghargai. Cinta tidak akan pernah tercipta selagi kita blum bisa menerima perbedaan.
Cinta adalah bentuk penyatuan rasa rindu dihati. Cinta merupakan perkara mulia yang menguasai jiwa dan perasaan, tidak berdasarkan kesenangan sahwat manusia. Dan cinta tidak untuk bersenanang-senang secara fisik belaka.”
(banyak yang digaris bawahi yyaa ternyata . Hehhee)


Kekecewaan ku

Engkau datang pada ku...sayang...
dikala hancur hati ku ini..
kau harap lagi cinta dari ku seperti dulu
    jangan kau harap lagi...sayang...
    bunga yang lepas dari genggaman...
    biarlah kering berserakan teritiup angin
bukankah dulu..
engkau yang minta perpisahan ini
hancur hati ku... di saat itu...
menerima surat undangan mu...
    kini kau datang membawa luka
    dia yang kau cinta telah berdusta
    ingin milik mu kembali lagi
    terlambat sudah untuk cinta mu....
jangan kau harap lagi sayang...
semua cerita yang telah usai...
pintu hati ku tertutup sudah
untuk cinta mu....